Ebosi Care




Your Destination

Smarter transportation for every patient need.

Ebosi care mobile apps help you run your fleet on the go and effectively communicate with your mobile workforce.

Ride in Comfort

Ebosi care fleet management helps you provide improved service, and proof of care, cut costs, and identify areas where your workflow could be improved.

Wheel Chair

Recommended for passengers with wheelchairs Our spacious wheelchair-accessible vans come with a convenient chair lift for smoother entry and exit.


Recommended for passengers with very limited mobility who require a stretcher.

Our non-emergency ambulance also comes staffed with two EMT’s and a stretcher.


Recommended for passengers who can walk and hold their own weight but need some additional hand holding. This is a great option for those who’d like extra support from our drivers and arrival assurance for their caregivers.

Where You’re Going, We’re Already There

Ebosi care Healthcare’s transportation SaaS suite is tailored to improve response times, safety measures, and efficiency with an industry-leading fleet management tool.

Our Credibility

Professional & Certified

Affordable Prices

Our Achievement

Ebosi was founded in 2023, a subsidiary of Oathen Group, and indutry leading information systems solutions provider.



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Happy Client

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Book a Ride and Enjoy the Journey

Safe and reliable rides are now
just a call or click away.

Our Achievement

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Safety Measures

We understand the health situations of passengers, our drivers are well-trained and cultured.

Well-Maintained Vehicles

All of our Ambulance are well maintained

Book a Ride and Enjoy the Journey

Type Your Destination

Schedule a ride for yourself or another person. The selection of today’s time or a future appointment.

Confirm Pick-up

Your driver shows up on time in a distinctive vehicle of your preference at the pick-up spot.

Payment Method/ Insurance Plan

Make your payment at the comfort of our seamless payment gateway in friendly mobile App 

Driver On The Way

Take advantage of your independence knowing there is a quick and secure method to get where you need to go.

What Client Say

I wanted to share with my neighbours my appreciation of Ebosi Care over the past year. They have done a wonderful job by providing me with a caregiver who is extremely professional, thorough, caring, and kind. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for help taking care of a loved one

Robert B